Arcade v2.5.1 introduces the ability to loop one-shot sources by note length, synced with your DAWs BPM.
Tape Loop features can be accessed from the Layer Edit tab on the Tweak page of any Instrument.
To turn on synced one-shot looping, first load a one-shot (non-pad) source into any Layer by clicking the waveform icon under “Layer A” then select “Sort By.” Next, select “One-Shot.” This will filter the Source Browser to only show one-shot sources.
Once you’ve loaded a one-shot into Layer A, click the Looping icon in the top right of the Waveform section, then click ‘Sync.'
Play a note and you will hear a repeating 1/4 note loop by default.
To change the rate of repeats, select the Rate dropdown and select a new looping Rate.
There are 6 controls to Tape Loops:
1. Sync
Turns on and off Tape Loop functionality
Looping must be active
Source must be a One-shot
2. Rate
There are 2 places to access Tape Loop Rate
Drop-down on the Waveform panel
Macro-assignable knob on the Controls panel
Rate is tempo-sync’ed to the BPM of the host DAW in which Arcade is loaded and selects a portion of the waveform based on the selected Rate
3. Snap Sample Start to Loop Start
Snap Sample Start to Loop Start is active when clicked and the gray icon becomes black
This controls locks the Sample Start position to the Loop Start position so that when the loop region is moved around the waveform, the Sample Start is always locked to the Loop Start
4. X-Fade
X-Fade sets the cross-fade time between Loop End and Loop Start
5. Sample Start
Sample Start controls where playback will start from within the sample when triggered via MIDI
6. Loop Start
Loop Start controls where looping will start from within the sample when triggered via MIDI