How do I find Co-Producer in my DAW?
Search for Co-Producer in your plugins folder, or look under Output
In Pro Tools, Co-Producer is categorized under 'Other' audio effects
Co-Producer is a stereo audio effect, so it must be loaded in an audio effect insert on a stereo channel
We recommend adding Co-Producer as the first plugin on your Stereo Out channel
Placing Co-Producer first in the chain helps avoid latency issues with effects that add delay to the signal
Loading Co-Producer in Ableton Live
Loading Co-Producer in FL Studio
Loading Co-Producer in Logic Pro
How do I change the SESSION KEY & BPM?
Set your desired BPM in your DAW
Logic Pro
Set session key on the Search page, or on the Results page by clicking the SESSION KEY selector and choosing from an available key
How do I capture audio to use with my search?
Click ‘Capture your audio’
Playback audio in your DAW
Delete your captured audio and start over by clicking the Trash can icon
How do I search with text only?
Add text to the "What samples do you want" section. It's best to follow Instrument + Descriptor + Style/genre when searching with text
How do I search with just audio?
Capture audio as described above
Click 'Find Samples'
When there is no text present, Co-Producer will use harmonic and rhythmic aspects of your audio to find compatible samples
How do I drag and drop samples?
Once you find a sample you like, just drag and drop it on to your session
The sample will be rendered in the SESSION KEY & BPM set in Co-Producer
If the sample sounds different once it's in your session, check the DAWs warp settings to make sure it reflects the correct bar length and BPM
In some DAWs, such as Ableton it is best to set the user preferences to allow plugin windows to always be open.
How do I find similar samples?
If you like a particular sample and want to find more like it, click on the 3 small dots to the right of the sample and select "Show similar samples". Co-Producer will load more sample in the same style.
How do I use Co-Producer samples in Arcade?
Co-Producer samples work great in Arcade.
Simply open Arcade next to Co-Producer and drag in a sample
Click "Generate Sampler" to generate a Sampler Kit.
Choose your preferred FX Presets and Sample Slicing method
Rename the kit so you can save your work.
You can also drag a sample directly on to an existing key for a previously generated kit.
Why are previews slightly out of sync with my session?
If you are using plugins that add delay, such as some mastering plugins, you will need to place Co-Producer before those plugins in order to avoid out of sync playback.
We recommend placing Co-Producer as the first insert on your main DAW output track.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.