15 articles
Black login screen with Arcade 2.10
Arcade Says I've Reached The Maximum Number Of Activations
Re-downloading and Re-linking Arcade to your Project (Samples Missing Error)
Arcade says "We can't find your content folder"
Arcade says I'm offline, but everything else is onlineThis article provides troubleshooting steps for resolving the "You are currently offline" error when trying to use Arcade.
Arcade Troubleshooting First Steps
How To Back Up Your Arcade Folder When Reinstalling
How To Reinstall Arcade
Arcade: Unwanted Distortion
I Received A "Failed Installation" Error on Mac
I Can't Find Arcade After Installing
Crashes In Arcade
How To Completely Uninstall Arcade
Logic Pro X Is Not Playing Back What I Recorded With Arcade
Can't Download or Preview Content in ArcadeThis article provides troubleshooting steps for resolving the "Could not finish downloading…" or "Failed to load preview" error in Arcade.