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Changing Session Key
Updated over 2 months ago

Arcade is designed to ensure samples always play back in the key of your song, referred to as the Session Key.

Every Sampler in Arcade is built with a particular key in mind (with the exception of non-tonal and percussive Samplers). The Sampler’s original key may not be the same as your song’s key, so use the Session Key selector in Arcade to shift the pitch of all the samples in the Sampler to match your song’s key. Here's how:

  1. After you’ve loaded a Sampler, you can change the session key by clicking on the current Session Key icon, such as ‘Amin’, located in the bottom right-hand corner. This opens a window that allows you to change a few things.

  2. Pick the scale (Maj or Min) and the root note of the key (such as C).

  3. You can also shift the key of the Sampler up or down an octave using the ▲ and buttons.

Lastly, clicking the “lock” icon (to the right of the Session Key button) will load all Samplers in the key you have selected. If Session Key is left unlocked then the Sampler will load in the key that it was originally saved in.

Check out this video to learn some tips & tricks about 'Session Key':

Please note that this video uses an older version of Arcade

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