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Sampler Generator
Updated over 3 months ago

Sampler Generator (formally Kit Generator) is a tool which allows you to create a new user Sampler using any imported audio sample.


Generating a Sampler:

First, navigate to any “Samples” tab within Arcade’s Browser. From here you will see the list of samples available to you in Arcade. Click the Generate Sampler button when hovering over any Sample:


Understanding the Kit Generator Interface:

When you select a sample and press "Generate Sampler," Arcade will slice the Sample across the entire keyboard. In the center of the Kit is the FX Preset selector, which provides access to a variety of preset Macro sliders. Directly above the keyboard are different slicing options which change how Arcade chops the Sample.

Slice Modes


Arcade features four different “Slice” algorithms which alter the way that Arcade slices the sample across each key. The ellipses on the right allow you to edit Key and Tempo for the kit as well.

FX Presets


The FX Presets include a variety FX templates that change the overall sound of the kit, including which parameters are controlled by the Macro Sliders. These are intended to be explored before saving the Kit, as these FX are baked into the Kit upon saving. After saving your kit, you can tweak the specific settings of the saved FX inside of Arcade’s Mixer and Macro areas.

Saving a Sampler from Sampler Generator:

You can change the Kit name by clicking anywhere inside the Kit name up top. Next, click Save & Play. Arcade will finalize the Slicing and FX settings and save the Kit. You will be able to load this kit just like any other User Kit in Arcade from the Your Stuff page.

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