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Sampler Mixer
Updated over 3 months ago

The Mixer provides an overview of the sounds and effects for each Kit. To open the Mixer, click on the Tweak button near the top center of the user interface.

The Two Mixers

Before detailing the features within the Mixer, it's important to acknowledge that Arcade has two Mixers corresponding to the two Kit types within Arcade: Sampler Mixer, and Instrument Mixer. This article focuses primarily on the Sampler Mixer.

Mixer Overview

The Mixer is the go-to location anytime you want to change how a Kit sounds. Here you can edit settings for individual Samples and for the entire Kit.


The Mixer allows you to control the Volume and Pan for each Sample, and both Pre/Post FX Sends for each Sample. These are the same as on the faders accessed on the Sample Edit page. Click the Solo button to mute all other Samples except those with Solo activated.

Mixer FX

The Mixer page is also the place to access and edit both Send and Master FX. These occupy the top third of the Mixer page. Learn more about Arcade's FX here.

Send FX

Arcade's FX Sends allow you to buss individual Samples to an FX chain. This allows you to apply the same effect to multiple Samples within a Kit. Learn more about FX Sends here.

Note: If you load a Kit and notice that all of the Sample volumes are at ‘-inf’ and the volume meters don’t show any signal, this is likely because these Samples use the “Pre” send slider and are bussed directly into the send FX.

Master FX

The Master section is located in the upper right-hand corner of the Mixer page. This panel provides access to the Master Bus FX. All four slots on the Master FX bus are insert FX, not sends.

You can turn these on and off by pressing the power button next to each effect’s name. Change the Master Bus FX module by clicking on the dropdown arrow icon to the right of the currently listed FX module. Click on an FX slot to access the FX parameters. Learn more about Editing FX here.

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