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The Keyboard: Samplers
Updated over 3 months ago

The keyboard is displayed at the bottom of every Kit page in Arcade. Since Arcade has two types of Kits, (Samplers and Instruments), there are two different keyboards corresponding to either Kit type.

Sampler Keyboard:


The Keyboard will be used to play Samples and Modifiers, as explained below. You can play these notes by using C2-C4 on your MIDI keyboard, by using your computer's QWERTY keyboard, or by clicking the icons directly. More on this below:

Sample Keys:


When you load a Kit, there will be 15 unique Samples that are loaded into what we call the Sample Voices. These Sample Voices are mapped to the white keys between MIDI notes C2-C4. Combinations of Samples can be played together by playing their corresponding MIDI notes.

If you don't have a MIDI keyboard, you can use your computer's QWERTY keyboard to play notes. When using Arcade inside a DAW, look for a feature typically called 'Musical Typing.'

Modifier Keys:


ARCADE’s Modifier Keys, are designed for performative mangling of Samples. Modifiers are mapped to the your black keys between MIDI notes C2-C4.

Holding down a Modifier key will affect any Samples currently triggered or Samples that are triggered while the Modifier is held down. To learn more about Modifiers, click here.

Playable Pitch:

On the left-hand side of the keyboard there is a button titled Pitch. Clicking this will display an expanded keyboard, detailing the layout of Sample Voices, Modifiers, and Playable Pitch.


Playable Pitch is a feature which allows you to retune any actively-playing Samples in realtime. This is intended to allow you to write melodies and chord progressions with Samples.

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