This article teaches you how to download and play Kits and Samples within Arcade.
Downloading Kits
You can navigate to Kits through the Feed, Lines, or Search pages. To download a Kit, hover over the Kit and click Download Sampler or Download Instrument when prompted:
Downloading Multiple Kits at Once
There are several ways to download all Kits within a single Line. From the Lines page, hover over a Line and click the Download all icon in the middle. This will download both Samplers and Instruments from that line in one click!
This button also appears on each Line Page next to the name of the Line.
Loading Kits
Once a Kit is downloaded, hover over it and click Play Kit to load it. Even if you navigate away from the Kit interface, the Kit remains loaded until you load a different Kit.
Downloading Individual Samples
You can navigate to individual Samples through the Lines or Search pages. To download a Sample, click the Download icon, located to the right of each Sample:
To view Samples already downloaded in Arcade, go to Your Stuff
Loading Individual Samples
Opening a Samples tab will bring up the Arcade keyboard. Once a Sample is downloaded, drag and drop it onto the desired key: