The Stage Filter section allows you to select, bypass, and activate the 3 stages.
You can also "SOLO" each stage, by hitting the "S under the Stage number giving one the option to listen to how a specific stage is affecting the signal.
Use the "LOW" and "HIGH" parameters to set crossover points for each stage.
The "BAND SPLIT" feature when enabled, gives you the option to set the frequency range that the stage will affect.
Use "REFILTER" to filter out unwanted harmonics created from the stage's distortion and effects, using the "LOW" and "HIGH" parameters of that stage.
The distortion panel is made up of 4 sections.
- DRIVE (Input Gain)
- AUTO - Internal gain compensation
- OUTPUT (Distortion Output Gain)
- DRIVE (Input Gain)
* Some of the below parameters will only be enabled with certain wave shapes.*
- Displays the wave shape associated with the currently selected distortion type.
- SHAPE - Adjusts the acuteness of the wave shape, which adds more harmonics as the shape knob is increased
- DEPTH - Sets the amplitude modulation amount
- FREQUENCY - Sets frequency rate of amplitude modulation
- CLIP - Clips the zero crossing of the waveshape causing bit crushing-esque effects, or adds steps to smooth wave shapes depending on the distortion type.
- TIME - Sets the delay time of the distortion feedback
- Sync - Syncs the delay time to quantized musical values
- FEEDBACK - Sets the amount of signal sent into the delay line
- Follow - An envelope follower that controls feedback amount based on input amplitude
- Release Diamond - Sets the envelope follower release time
- TIME - Sets the delay time of the distortion feedback
Choose from a list of available effects by accessing the drop-down menu.
Each effect will include a series of effect specific parameters, allowing you to further sculpt your sound.
Use the "DRY/WET" slider to dictate how much of the effect is applied to the stage.
SIDES - Adds or subtracts M-S Side gain
WIDTH - Adds time-based stereo width
Note - The TONE section is post-stage summing. This means that the tone shaping is applied to the full spectrum of the signal, regardless of the filtering happening in the stage.
- LOW - Low shelf at 500 Hz
- HIGH - High shelf at 5 kHz