Splice and Output FX

If you are enrolled or recently completed the rent to own program from Splice for Output FX, and are seeing the error "Please update payment." when you open the FX in your DAW, follow the instructions below to fix this issue. 

Please uninstall your product, then register your product serial code. When prompted to login, use your current Output account credentials or create a new one. Finally, reinstall FX via output.com/account/downloads. Below instructions on how to uninstall your FX

*If you have user presets you want to save, navigate to the ~/PRESETS/USER folder before uninstalling and drag the USER folder to your desktop. Then, once you reinstall your FX, replace the empty USER folder with the original USER folder from your desktop.

How to uninstall Thermal

How to uninstall Movement

How to uninstall Portal


Let us know if you continue to have this issue after you complete the steps above. 

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