Many of our products, including Arcade, Thermal, Portal and Movement are not yet officially compatible with Apple Silicon, therefore these products are not supported in an official capacity at this time.
This article details a troubleshooting method that may improve performance with our software on M1 based systems, but does not represent official compatibility.
For the latest updates on our software's compatibility with Apple Silicon, click here.
About Rosetta
Rosetta is a program that enables apps built for Intel-based Macs to run on Apple Silicon-based Macs. Rosetta works in the background and automatically translates the app for use with Apple silicon.
You can also use Rosetta to translate Native M1 applications, such as Logic Pro X, to run as it would on an Intel processor. This may help with compatibility issues in certain cases.
In most cases, you won't notice any difference in the performance of an app using Rosetta. That said, we recommend you contact the app developer to inquire about a version that can natively run on Apple Silicon.
Installing Rosetta
By default, your M1 Mac should already have Rosetta installed.
If you do not have Rosetta installed, launch any Intel-based application. You will then be prompted to install "Rosetta" in order to open the app.
Click Install, then enter your user name and password to allow installation to proceed. Rosetta will then be available for any of your apps that need it.
If this prompt does not appear when launching an Intel-based application, this likely means Rosetta is already installed, and you may proceed to the next step in this article.
Opening your DAW in Rosetta mode
Here's how to open your DAW using Rosetta:
Close your DAW
In Finder, open the Applications folder
Right-click your DAW's app icon
Select Get Info from the popup menu
Check the box that says Open using Rosetta
Open your DAW
You can disable Rosetta later by unchecking this box