Playhead provides alternative speed, direction, and marker positions for all Samples in a Kit. This allows you to perform instant speed changes, reverse turnarounds, or jump to a particular point in a Sample at the press of a key.
Using Playhead
As with Resequence, the marker positions in a Playhead modifier can be different for each Sample, but the rest of the controls are shared across the entire Kit.
Release Controls:
Timeline Follow – Playback continues where it would have been had the Modifier not been triggered. This is position is indicated by the grey secondary playback indicator as a modifier is played
Note On – Playback continues from the location in the Sample where the Modifier was initially triggered
Note Off – Playback continues from the location the last set by the Modifier as it’s released
H: Toggles the Hold function, keeping the Modifier engaged without you pressing the key
Grid Controls:
Snap To: Toggles whether Playhead and Loop Points will snap to the grid or move freely
Grid: Toggle between Grid View and Transient View
1/4: Select Grid resolution
Playhead Controls:
Speed – Determines playback speed while the Modifier is active: 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, x1, x2
Reverse – Sets playback direction while the Modifier is active
Loop – Determines whether or not the Sample will Loop when the Modifier is active
Jump to Cue Point (on/off) – Determines whether the Sample will play at the cue point (predetermined sample start) when the Modifier is triggered